The newest, youngest, RPGest team! And a spooooky adventure!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:36:31
Gotta say, we had a lot of fun delving into a lighter fare (but still spooky and frankly pretty dark) story with our Daybreak friends! But yeah, we managed to make it weird, even still.
This Friday is an Editor's Note! Join us live if you're part of the Letters Page Patreon! We hope to "see" you all there for a Very Halloween Editor's Note!
Something wicked (awesome) this way comes!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:27:09
Adam and I recorded TWO episodes on the same day, and they're both great! You'll only get to hear one of them today — you'll have to wait a week to hear the other. Don't worry! The wait will be worth it.
Lots happens in this episode, including going into WAY more issues than just the one pictured above. Why? What about? Involving WHOM?! I mean, this episode was promised to involve both witches and at least ONE werewolf, and it does! But what else? Well, you'll just have to listen and find out!
Join us next time, when we tell a Daybreak Halloween story! But don't send in letters for that one — it's already recorded! Instead, send in letters for the following Editor's Note, and the episode after that one: a Disparation story involving Oni Mr. Fixer!
Stay spooky, kids!
Let the spookiness commence!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:13:48
We start off by talking about a different comic: Disparation Vol. 1 #21... but that's not the issue for today's Writers' Room! Listen and find out!
At the end of the episode, we mention that this week — on Friday, October 8th — we'll be recording the next TWO episodes! So, get your questions for the "Witches and Werewolves: Harpy and Alpha" and "Daybreak Halloween Special" Writers' Room episodes in now!
We're back to regular time! Sort of! Don't worry about it!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:22:58
We're about to get a couple months of spooky! Here's the upcoming schedule for October AND November!
Wow! That's a lot of topics! And how many of them will be scary? Only time will tell!
We hope you enjoy the next several weeks as much as we will! As we mention near the end of the episode, we're coming up on some big episode-type number landmarks... exciting to be heading there with all of you, dear listeners! Looking forward to what the future may bring.
What's this? Something unexpected?!
No, not really. We mentioned it at the end of last week's episode: I was at Gen Con last week for meetings and such, but GTG wasn't there as a company, so no Gen Con Live this year. Hopefully next year!
Oh, and I guess there's a letters section? I didn't know anything about this in advance. Well, we'll just see what happens.
Join us next week (or this Friday if you're a Letters Page Patreon supporter) for a regular-style-but-a-week-late Editor's Note, in which we'll also unveil the rest of the schedule for October AND November! Exciting! Spoooooky!
Glue pun!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:17:44
There is less history to this character than many, but that doesn't stop us! If anything, we're excited to build him out! Especially with all the great folks that have given to much to The Adhesivist. Not sure what I'm talking about here? Listen and find out!
At the end of the episode, we talk about how the schedule is about to get weird: rather than the regularly scheduled Editor's Note #48, we'll have a interlude-type-thing, just for fun. Then, the NEXT week will be the Editor's Note, followed by Episode #189, though now off by a week. Which is OK! Everything will be fine! The Patreon supporters are already hard at work, voting for the episodes they want to hear in October AND November! If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, go vote now! And, if you're not a Patreon supporter, you can be, and immediately get access to that voting! What are you waiting for? Get in there!
We'll catch you next time!
The life of a man who has touched the lives of many.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:22:54
Adam and I are excited to finally work through this limited series! It's got a lot of creative folks on it, and it's fun for us to work with an ensemble creative cast. We hope you enjoy listening in!
After about 44 minutes of story telling, we get into your questions! On a variety of topics! Not so much this episode, but that's not a huge deal.
Join us next week for a Creative Process episode we're referring to as "A Sticky Subject"'s all about Adhesivist!
The kids are alright! Or are they?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:27:25
What sort of mess are these two going to get themselves into? And how will they get out of it? You'll just have to listen and find out!
Thank you all for supporting our ENNIES Awards nominations with your votes! We really appreciate it!
Join us next time for a Writers' Room about an issue of Engine Block Blues!
This one has both Dave Chalker AND Jennifer Closson!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:36:05
First things first: this is now an ENNIE Award nominated podcast?! That's amazing! Read more here, and then GO VOTE!
Then, we talk about Dave's family fun sharktacular cards and robots game, Get Bit! Now on Kickstarter! Go check it out!
Then, we finally talk about the upcoming schedule:
And then, we go read your letters! In the questions section, we do have some spoilers for a couple adventures. Trevor does a magical thing with my voice just after the 28 minute mark to indicate the timestamp of when you should skip ahead to avoid spoilers! What?! Trevor can make me say whatever he wants now? Is any of this podcast even real?!?!? Am I real? Heady stuff, folks.
Thanks for all of your questions, for listening, for playing our games, and — hopefully — for voting! And don't forget to back Get Bit!
Finally, you get to see the Soothsayer himself, and on a comic cover, at that!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:30:54
So, we do some goofs, but then the story came together... so quickly? Whoops? It's OK — we spend extra time in the question section, as a result!
A very important thing happened last week while we were recording this episode! We here at Greater Than Games were nominated for several ENNIES! Learn more in this blog post I made yesterday. Two big things: this podcast was one of the nominations, so this is now an Ennie Award Nominated podcast! Can we win an Ennie? That's up to YOU! Voting runs Wednesday, August 18th through the 27th! The second thing: the Sentinel Comics RPG got a bunch of nominations, so that's what the upcoming Bullpen will be about, which we're recording live this coming Friday! Come join us!