It's International, Intergalactic, Mega-Meta-Multiversal Same-Age-Day!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:26:56
What a strange and different episode we're having today! Do we have a plan? Only slightly!
We spend some retrospective time, and then move on to a variety of letters of many different sorts!
Join us next time for Episode #178 - Creative Process: Sky-Scraper Supporting Cast! Get your questions in now!
We talk about Legacy stuff! Again!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:54:22
We falter our way through banter, eager to get to it! And then we go long! Sorry about the comparatively longer show — Legacy just brings that out of us! Plus, at least one major reveal that connects the dots on some things you didn't know...
Join us next week for our first Same Age Day Show! What will we talk about? Time will tell! One week's time, in fact!
Let's talk about a bunch of different things!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:23:08
We start by talking about teeth! Sorry to anyone who doesn't want to hear about teeth.
Here's the upcoming schedule!
This Editor's Note, we talk about a bunch of topics, including:
Catch you next week for Episode #177 - Creative Process: Young Legacy Foes!
Two issues?! In this economy?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:33:36
Adam and I are in rare form! We're always in rare form, though — not fully cooked. Half baked, if you will.
We tell a hero/villain team-up story, as requested. But it takes us more issues than we thought! You get twice as many issues (and twice as many team-ups) as anticipated!
Then, a variety of letters on a series of topics. You know, like we do. But different! Or, at least, unique.
Next week is an Editor's Note, so if you're a contributor to the Letters Page Patreon, join us this Friday for a live show!
Bark at the moon!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:35:52
We start off by talking about Adam's sleep schedule, which is appropriate as this is the first episode of Adam's Birth Month! Thrilling times!
Then, we get to all the wolfs. We tell you more about a wolf you know, and a lot about a wolf you don't know yet! Where have these wolves been hiding all this time?!
At around the 45 minute mark, we get into questions! More wolf stuff there, but also some non-wolf stuff!
Join us next week for a Hero/Villain Team-Up Story! Get your questions in for that story now!
Welp, guess we'll go mad!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:18:38
It's been so long since we've done an episode like this! How do they even work? We end up doing a bit of "Creative Process" and "Writers' Room" type stuff in the Overview section, as that's how we work best, apparently. As a result, you get lots of backstory, some points of interest, and a cool story or two! And all within about half an hour! Hope that answers all your questions on xxtz'Hulissh! We certainly don't expect much in the way of follow-up episodes to this one... (that is yet another one of our lies, in case you weren't sure).
At around the 28 minute mark, we get to your questions, which surely answer any and every question you could possibly have about xxtz'Hulissh now. Whew! Glad we got that covered.
Next week's episode is the long-awaited werewolf stories Creative Process... but we've already recorded it! So, get your "Hero/Villain team-up" and "Young Legacy foes" questions in! Plus, any follow-up xxtz'Hulissh questions, I guess. If any. Not really expecting much in that way, but maybe one or two. Perhaps.
Stay sane, everyone!
That's right! We actually did it! Welcome to the long-awaited and oft-delayed Editor's Note #45!!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:38:35
How do we even do this type of episode? We're not sure, so we just kinda wing it. That said, we get to all the stuff. I think. Pretty sure.
Next month is the month of May, which — as everyone knows — is Adam's birth month! Celebrations will be occurring everywhere, and both participation and enjoyment are mandatory! In the episode, Adam attempts to explain the joy of birthdays to Christopher for several minutes. Does it land? You decide, listeners!
Anyway, here's the upcoming schedule:
A thing we didn't say on the air: right after recording this Editor's Note, we immediately recorded this upcoming Friday's episode all about xxtz'Hulissh! So, any late-coming questions about xxtz'Hulissh will have to wait for follow-up episodes. Probably for the best, as we know the episode we recorded will generate (spawn?) many more questions.
That means, this Friday, we're recording the Creative Process all about Werewolf stories, so get your questions in on that topic ASAP! Ideally by midnight, Thursday the 22nd, as I compile questions early Friday morning before we record. Ask us your wolf questions!
We cover a variety of topics, including but not limited to:
Don't forget: get your werewolf questions in now! And share word far and wide about this last week of the Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Kickstarter Campaign!
A return to Disparation!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:34:54
It's been a long time since we did a Disparation episode, and man, it feels good to be back at it! In the words of our very own Trevor:
Whoa, slow down there, Trevor! Praise of that caliber is likely to go to our heads!
But before we can get into that, we've gotta goof around on a variety of topics, of course. But only for about 7 minutes!
Then, we get into a bunch of backstory, some temporal positioning, and some issue number questing. And then! A story! A story in which motivations run deeper than we even initially realized!
At just after the 48 minute mark, we get to your many questions. And heck, we almost answer all of them! More or less! Give or take!
We talk very briefly about the cover seen above, as it ended up being a straight forward concept, but wow Adam knocked it out of the park again, right? Damn that looks cool.
Join us this Friday for Editor's Note #45! For real! We mean it! We're really finally going to do that long lost Editor's Note! Nothing's gonna stop us now!
Time for a nice tall frosty one!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:33:19
We do some marketing goofs, at least partially inspired by Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition currently on Kickstarter!
But then! We get into telling the story of the issue, which we actually do in a very non-sequential/chronological way! The actual order of the stories in the issue is clear and unpackable, but we get a bit obtuse about it. But that ends up creating some moments that we're particularly proud of. Anyway, enjoy!
After all that storytelling, we get into your questions, starting off with a historically long question from Liz C.! She gets to a lot of the good stuff, and yet we still take even more questions!
And then we talk briefly about the cover, which can be seen above.
Don't forget to check out Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition on Kickstarter! And join us next week for our return to Disparation for the first time in a long time!
I promise that there will be at least one coonskin cap in this episode.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:46:46
Our timing was off! At the start of the episode, we claimed that the Kickstarter was already live, but we're backwards: the Kickstarter goes live one hour after this episode starts. So, if you started listening to this episode the moment it came out, you'd want to pause halfway through to go check out that Kickstarter! We'll add a link to the Kickstarter to the show notes below when it goes live.
Adam and I have been looking forward to digging into these tales for a while, so we went into this one with a list of people we wanted to talk about, but not a lot of planning. On purpose! We wanted this creative process to be pretty transparent on the "process" side of things.
Ended up with at least a couple very solid character ideas out of this, plus a slew of stories, especially from the earlier ages of Sentinel Comics.
We're on the cusp of a big month here. Lots of fun episodes coming up, AND there's that Kickstarter! Speaking of which, this link will go to the Kickstarter campaign once it's live!
Until next time, Sentinels!