What's happening out in space? Nothing much, right?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:48:31
Adam is sick! Christopher is injured! But, against all odds, they perseverse and end up telling a tale they're both very proud of. Does it hold up? Do you folks like it as much as we do? Gosh, we hope so!
But first, we gotta tell you all about the recording schedule from now through the end of the year! With conventions, holidays, and other travel, our recording schedule is weird for most of the rest of the year. We'll make sure to share the details again in each upcoming Editor's Note, but we wanted to talk through it as well today, since it matters for question submission. Anyway, we go through the whole thing on the air. Tune in and find out!
We hope you enjoy this story! It quickly became one of our favorites.
Also, get your questions for both Episodes #226 and #227 (Writers’ Room: NightMist and Alpha vs The Court of Blood and Writers’ Room: Tome of the Bizarre Vol. 3 #11, respectively) before this coming Friday, as we're recording both on that day!
It's another thrilling day, here on the cusp of the spooky months! We're excited for what's to come...
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:52:09
Before we get into answering questions, interacting with the chat, and telling stories, we go over the monthly schedule! (That is, after goofing around a bit, as per usual.)
(We give a mild story spoiler about each of these during the recording. Listen and find out!)
Then, we get into answering questions, interacting with the chat, and telling stories! It goes pretty well, and a bit longer than the usual Editor's Note!
Join us next time for Episode #225, which is a Writers' Room episode featuring both Greazer and Fashion?! Who authorized this?!?! It's gonna be... well, interesting likely doesn't even begin to cut it. Time will tell!
Join us then!
Good morning, Avians and Arcanists!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:33:34
What kind of foes are around for a Hero who is mostly a protégé/sidekick/team member for the comparatively short time that she's a hero, especially in relation to the very long time she spent incarcerated after her ONE big villainous outing? Well, that's what this episode is all about! Listen in and learn more!
Join us next week for an Editor's Note — if you're on the Letters Page Patreon, join in the fun with us this Friday at 11 AM Central for a live recording of that Editor's Note!
The Last Temptation? EVER?!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:28:56
We start off by talking about a cat, but not a real cat! Sorry for getting sidetracked. You know us.
Then we talk about Fanatic! And Apostate! And a story that you know, but we've never gotten this in-depth on.