We're finally gonna talk about this lady!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:29:59
Baring any bear-related incidents, we're finally covering Busybody! Listen to the episode, and let us know if it was worth the wait! We think it was... but we also thought we told you about this months ago. So, you know, that's on us.
To make up for our goof, we talk about a LOT of different issues of Sentinel Comics, so there's that? Hope that helps? Can you find it in your hearts to forgive us?
Join us next week for Episode #238, a Writers’ Room episode about a hostile takeover of Montgomery Industries! Get your questions in now!
The first Editor's Note of a new year!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:18:33
We start off this Editor's Note by acknowleding that we spent a long time on the stream before we actually started recording this episode. Whoops? Consider joining The Letters Page Patreon to witness such events yourself!
Here's the upcoming schedule:
We also plug the other podcast that Christopher does with Paul, called the Play Greater Podcast. Check it out!
Join us next time for us finally talking about Busybody?! Can that be?!?! Seems unlikely. Time will tell!
One-shot. Two letters sections. Anything could happen!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:28:16
We do only a few minutes of banter before getting into something of an overview... and then going into a few letters right away! And then back to making the issue itself. A playable issue! I mean, not playable YET, but this year! Ideally in about 6ish months... time will tell!
Join us this coming Friday for a live Editor's Note! Send in your questions! Join us live on the Patreon! See you then!
Hey, folks.
No real episode today, after all. Sorry for the break in schedule, but we didn't have it in us to make an RPG one-shot. I wrote a bit about it in a recent Kickstarter update.
Thank you all for your patience. We'll be back on schedule next week. Speaking of which:
You didn't think we were going to go a week without posting SOMETHING, right?
Welcome to 2023! We're starting this year out by pulling back the veil on 2022! Here's the stuff that Trevor cut from recent episodes in 2022. Not ALL of the stuff cut. Really, just a bunch of stuff from recent holiday episodes. And some other tidbits as well. Anyway! Gives you a feel for what Trevor has to endure to make this show happen. Enjoy?
Join us next week as we get back into it!