Let's go to space with a couple of gals who are pals!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:47:33
K.N.Y.F.E. and Sky-Scraper are a couple of fan favorites, especially due to to burgeoning "ship" between them... but where did it all start? Right here! This is that story!
We tell stories from three (THREE!!) issues of Sentinel Comics, then we answer a bunch of questions! What more could you want?
If there were something more you wanted, I'll bet you could find it as part of the Letters Page Patreon! Check it out!
Join us next time for an episode about foes of The Naturalist and Akash'Thriya! Who could dislike them? Time will tell!
What hath we wrought?!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:44:57
This is one of the longer Editor's Notes we've done! We just were in a strange mood, so we kinda just kept going! I drew a dragon. Adam helped.
Here are the upcoming episodes!
We talk about OblivAeon, food, AI, and more!
Join us next week for Episode #240: Writers' Room: The K.N.Y.F.E./Sky-Scraper arc in Cosmic Tales that's happening simultaneously with the Scholar/Count Barzakh story!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:48:47
We start off with a discussion of a particular cookie. We really get into it. This is the Il Alimento episode, if we were just talking about cookies as ourselves instead of in some weird chef character. Sorry about that / you're welcome?
Then! We finally get into this accursed topic! And we craft a story that... we're ultimately pretty happy with? And yet also follows the prompt of "make a romance the fans hate". Enjoy?
At the end of the episode, we talk a bunch about a Kickstarter that we have nothing to do with — we're just into it! We highly recommend you go check out the AEGIS 2 Kickstarter! The game is awesome, and we love it.
Join us next week for an Editor's Note! Join the Patreon to be part of the live recording!
Issue 200?! What a major issue!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:13:53
This episode represents a cross over from the end of January, into the month of romance, shipping, and longing glances across a crowded room. The story in this episode probably won't give you your romance story fix... but next week will be... worse?! Probably. Anyway, we cover a bunch of issues in this episode! Listen and find out!
We also answer many questions on a variety of topics! As per usual!
Join us next week for Episode #239: a romance the fans hated! Hoooo boy...