We do the monthly live talking about everything thing!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:25:51
The votes are in! What's happening in October?
Upcoming schedule:
- Tuesday, October 1st: Episode #122 - Creative Process - Count Barzakh
- Tuesday, October 8th: Episode #123 - Writers' Room - an issue of Disparation
- Tuesday, October 15th: Episode #124 - Creative Process - Phobias
- Tuesday, October 22th: Editor’s Note #35
- Tuesday, October 29th: Episode #125 - Creative Process - Monsters and Magic
And here's a medium quality photo of my low quality handwriting on this high quality calendar of questionable quality recording content!

In today's questions section, we talk about all manner of things, including:
- OblivAeon
- Singular Entities
- Time before time
- A vest
- Gene-bound humans
- Fixed points
- Timelines
- Orders of events
- OblivAeon shards
- Animals
- SCRPG rules
- Hero creation
- Sentinel Comics LARP
- Hypothetical moral/logical quandaries
- Citizen Dawn
- Villain themes
- OblivAeon's HP
- Blood magic
- Todidos
- Surviving environments
- Strength
- Birthdays
- Loss
- Friendship
- and more!
Thanks to everyone who was able to join us live, everyone who else who listens not live, and even everyone who doesn't listen but still thinks good thoughts about us! We appreciate all of you.