It's another thrilling day, here on the cusp of the spooky months! We're excited for what's to come...
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:52:09
Before we get into answering questions, interacting with the chat, and telling stories, we go over the monthly schedule! (That is, after goofing around a bit, as per usual.)
(We give a mild story spoiler about each of these during the recording. Listen and find out!)
Then, we get into answering questions, interacting with the chat, and telling stories! It goes pretty well, and a bit longer than the usual Editor's Note!
Join us next time for Episode #225, which is a Writers' Room episode featuring both Greazer and Fashion?! Who authorized this?!?! It's gonna be... well, interesting likely doesn't even begin to cut it. Time will tell!
Join us then!