We were owned before we even started. We're number... something embarrassingly low...
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:39:32
Trevor managed to grab some audio from the streaming video from before we started recording, so you can hear a bit of just how we were not just one-upped, but several-upped. What a world.
And that's not all that happens this show! There's so much more! Even the telling of our upcoming schedule for the first of the spooky months!
Upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, October 1st: Episode #295 - Writers’ Room: Tempest horror story in space
Tuesday, October 8th: Episode #296 - Writers’ Room: Darkstrife vs. Painstake
Tuesday, October 15th: Episode #297 - Writers’ Room: La Comodora's first appearance
Tuesday, October 22nd: Editor’s Note #84
Tuesday, October 29th: Episode #298 - Writers’ Room: Guise goes to hell
We'll be recording two of those episodes in the same week. Which two? Episodes #295 AND #296! Get your questions about Tempest, horror, space, Darkstrife, and Painstake all in ASAP!
Also, we got a letter from Kyrie Wynne that included many photos! OF THESE!
And then? Questions? In the form of letters? And also the form of messages in our Discord?! You better believe it.
Next week is Episode #294 - Writers’ Room: Southwest Sentinels #31, so also send in letters about those friendly fellows and their foes! Please do!
See you all next time!