We're gonna bring the flavor, show you how!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:49:10
We just kept going on this one. Probably would have continued, but time was - and is - of the essence. The essence of what? Well, let us keep SOME of our secrets, dear listeners.
After a few minutes of banter, we get into adding people to Fanatic's story. Not all of them are sad stories! Not ALL of them.
A bit after the 1 hour and 12 minute mark, we answer the letters you've written to us! Including a bunch of old letters that have languished in our dreaded inbox for far too long!
Join us this Friday for another livestreamed Publishers' Note, if you're on the Patreon. If you're not a Letters Page Patreon supporter, totally cool - we understand. Our self esteem is definitely not just based on our listenership. We're individual people with our own stuff going on. Really. Anyway, if you don't love us that way, NBD - you'll get that Publishers' Note in audio form next Tuesday!