Let's talk Setback!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 84:16
We were really tempted to post this show a day late, just because of who this episode is about... but we didn't want to let our listeners down!
If you haven't listened to the Expatriette episode yet, we suggest you do so before the Q&A portion of this episode - lots of connected stuff.
We mention that the building he went to for medical testing was a RevoCorp building. More on RevoCorp in the Baron Blade episode!
Not a lot of notes today! This episode is pretty self contained.
See you next week for Setback's old flame and nemesis, Kismet!
Episode enhanced by Rabit.
Time for another villain episode! Today, we talk all about the leader of the Citizens of the Sun!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 86:41
As a note, today's episode is about a pretty terrible person. She's a villain, and not really a sympathetic one. Just so you know.
Because of the impressive number of questions you all asked about Citizen Dawn, today's episode features a slightly shorter character overview segment, followed by a much longer Q&A section. Great work everyone - keep those questions coming!
The character we're talking about this week is the mother of the character we talked about last week, so there's a lot of information you'll want in this episode. If you missed last week's episode, go check it out! Then come back. No rush - we'll wait.
Here's the photographic evidence of Adam's inverted Citizens of the Sun mug:
We mention that Citizens Hammer and Anvil are the best. They are. True fact.
Next week, we talk about Setback! We're recording that episode on Thursday, February 16th - a day earlier than usual - so get your questions in by Thursday morning!
This episode was enhanced by Brian Jewett.
It's time for everyone's favorite gun-totin' purple-haired markswoman!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 83:05
Hoo boy! We're having trouble sticking to this "one-hour-show" thing, aren't we? We just have so much to say!
We mention that Amanda Cohen - AKA Expatriette - is not related to Leonard Cohen. She's really not. But he's great.
In attempt to appeal to younger generations, Christopher uses the phrase "on fleek". No, he doesn't know how to use it or what it means. But does anyone?
We talk about Expatriette's first unfinished mission, in which she fought and failed to kill a mechanic in Slim's Auto Shop. I wonder who he could be...
After Christopher and Adam briefly discuss six-sided dice vs. twenty-sided dice as "standard" dice, Christopher mentions he'll make a survey and put it in the show notes. Here it is! We'll probably stop taking responses at some point... maybe not, though!
Both Christopher and Adam bust out their fake French accents during the Q&A portion of this episode. We're sorry. We're so sorry.
See you next week for an episode about Expatriette's mom!
Special thanks to Brian Jewett for helping enhance the episode.
Hey, folks! This Interlude is called the Trevorlude for reasons! Come and get it!
Show Notes:
Run time: 11:48
Right off the bat, we talk about a game of Sentinels of the Multiverse that we played. Christopher says that none of the heroes had hands. This doesn't mean that they had their hands chopped off - the players controlling those heroes had no cards in their hands. Just to be clear.
Now, on to the important stuff - upcoming episodes!
February 7th: Expatriette
February 14th: Citizen Dawn
February 21st: Setback
February 28th: Kismet
Got questions on those characters? Ask them now!
Special thanks to Rabit for helping enhance this episode.
Our first villain episode had to be about Baron Blade, right?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 69:27
Oh, man. Some big reveals in this episode. Let's get to it!
Just before the seven-minute mark, Christopher mentions that we've said before that we're not going to turn this into a Star Wars podcast. Trevor has to edit at least a few minutes of Star Wars discussion out of almost every episode. We like Star Wars.
While discussing the "Trial of Baron Blade" story, we talk about the super-powered law blog, Law and the Multiverse. We recommend you check it out.
On Thursday, we'll post an Interlude episode about what episodes you can look forward to in February. Got questions for us? We welcome them! Ask them using our handy form!
Special thanks to Rabit for helping enhance this episode.
We're talking about The Wraith!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 78:01
In the first three minutes, Christopher says that there's another 45 minutes of episode to go. He vastly underestimated how much he and Adam are able to talk about The Wraith. By about half an hour.
Because she lives, works, and fights there, we talk a lot about Rook City. Check out the Sentinels Wiki for more information on that terrible place.
Adam perfectly NAILS the name "Madame Mittermeier’s Fantastical Festival of Conundrums and Curiosities" right off the top of his head. Props.
Also, we linked to the Sentinels Wiki a bunch in these show notes. That's because the fine folks over there do such a great job. Keep up the good work, Wiki-mancers!
Don't forget to rate us on iTunes! And anywhere else that we can be rated! Yelp? Foursquare? The Better Business Bureau? Rate us everywhere!
Special thanks to Brian Jewett for helping enhance this episode.
Welcome to our first Interlude episode!
Run Time: 21:46
Interlude episodes will be shorter episodes that we release on occasional Thursdays. We'll use these to answer general questions, additional questions about characters that we've covered in previous episodes, and other supplemental information.
Today, we're covering a bit of overarching info about the world of Sentinel Comics - how it works, what our vision for it involves, etc. Also, we discuss what you might find in The Letters Page podcast, going forward.
Only one Show Note for this episode: at the 19 minute mark, we mention that there have been a few episodes of The Letters Page at this point. Obviously, that's not true. We had recorded this Interlude with plans to release it after we had a few episodes in the bag, but upon listening to it, we realized it would be a great "Welcome to The Letters Page" episode, so here we are!
No other Show Notes on this episode - everything else is pretty well contained in this Interlude! So, listen in as we talk about the Multiverse, Sentinel Comics, and what to look forward to in upcoming episodes of The Letters Page!
Got questions for us? Ask them here!
Special thanks to Rabit for helping enhance this episode.
It's our first episode! And it's about Legacy!
If you have questions for Christopher and Adam, ask them here!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 66:50
We mention Joseph Parson's connection to Paul Revere and his famous ride. For more information on that, click this link.
We apologize for alienating all listeners named Pauline in the first ten minutes of our first episode ever. Sorry to all of you for making fun of your antique name.
Christopher says "um" a bunch in this episode. He's just really excited about actually getting to do this show. Please forgive him - he promises to not "um" as much in future episodes.
We claim that the Baron Blade episode is coming in 3-6 years. We're confident that we can make that deadline... but look, things happen.
We talk glowingly about Danny "D-Lo" Lott, who asked the first of our questions. Here is one of his videos. About some game or other.
Just after the 50 minute mark, we both say the word "alongside" a whole bunch of times. Not sure why this is a note, but hey, something to look forward to. If you're into that kind of thing.
At the end of the episode, we mention that Legacy will be in the Sentinel Comics RPG in 2017. That's this year, folks. Stay tuned!