Biomancer is back, but with a more explained plan than ever before! Still not THAT much explanation, though. It's still Biomancer.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:29:54
We're excited to bring you another Biomancer story. He's very much a "sometimes food", but we enjoy it when it comes up.
We do some goofs, figure out where/when in the history of Sentinel Comics this issue lands, and tell the various parts of this story, all of which takes just over half an hour! We're getting pretty good at this.
Then, we get into a ton of mostly-Biomancer focused questions. Go figure that such an enigmatic figure would raise so many questions.
Join us next week for a Disparation Writers' Room all about La Comodora in the Extremeverse! Get your questions in now!
Let's get into SCRPG questions!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:36:29
Christopher and Adam are joined by Dave Chalker and Chris Burton! They answer So Many Questions about the Sentinel Comics RPG and more!
Here's the upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, August 3rd: Episode #184 - Writers' Room: Disparation: La Comodora in the Extremeverse
Tuesday, August 10th: Episode #185 - Creative Process: Expatriette Foes
Tuesday, August 17th: Episode #186 - Writers' Room: NightMist & Soothsayer Carmichael Team-Up
Tuesday, August 24th: Bullpen #5
Tuesday, August 31st: Episode #187 - Writers' Room: Setback & Harpy Team-Up
See you next time!
Time for a quick switcheroo!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:25:22
Let's swap some bodies! Just who will get swapped, and to what end? The cover above gives at least a little of it away, but not enough to ruin the story... not by a long shot!
After about 38 minutes of storytelling (sprinkled liberally with goofs), we get to your questions, which range far and wide! High and low! Inside and outside! Cats and dogs, living together!
Join us next Tuesday, July 20th, for Bullpen #4! OR! If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, join us live on Friday, July 16th! Come talk to Dave! And a special guest! And Adam, but with Dave's voice! And more!
The fireworks are still going off here!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:36:41
We do some small talk, and even a bit of medium talk, and then we get into the story!
By "story" I mean, slogging through coming up with versions of the heroes for the tale. Once we've got those, everything else goes smoothly. That's how it goes!
Lots of questions on a variety of topics, which we get into at around the 51 minute mark.
Join us next time, where we tell a Body Swap story!