We'll paint you a story!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:23:10
It's Adam's birthday! Today is the day! As a result — or, actually, because you demanded it — we tell a frankly silly story that ends up doing some interesting things. And also we read your letters!
This was the first of two episodes recorded in one day, as I'm now in the UK for a week and a half for UK Games Expo! (If you'll be at the show, come hang out with us in Booth #1-852!) But, was this the BEST episode we recorded today? You'll just have to find out next week!
A irregularly recorded but regularly released Editor's Note!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:34:34
We talk about many things, but first, the schedule!
Upcoming schedule:
Questions from all over and about all things! A lot related to Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game, including a request to get a list of the official SCRPG Livestreams that we did here at GTG HQ, so here they are:
This coming Friday, May 27th, we'll be recording TWO episodes! First, we'll record Episode #214: Writers' Room: Setback & Unity team-up, which will be released on May 31st, which is Adam's Birthday! We'll also record Episode #215: Writers' Room: Disparation —Inversiverse Galactra, which will be released on June 7th. Get your questions for both in now now now!
A spooky tale?! From the Sentinels Universe?! NOT IN NOVEMBER?! Huge if true.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:38:33
We hit the ground running at speeds unlike any we have ever reached! And yet, we STILL spend a chunk of time on the story and also read and answer a variety of letters!
If you're listening to this right when it comes out and you're a Letters Page Patreon subscriber, you can join us live for this month's Editor's Note RIGHT NOW! Come join in!
Also, join us next week for Episode #214: Writers' Room: Setback & Unity team-up! Get your questions in now!
Time for a trio team-up!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:23:28
This one was a tough story to make work! We go down a lot of false trails before fighting out how we want to make this happen. They can't all be easy! We hope you enjoy this peek behind the curtain, seeing what's it's like when we're struggling. All part of the process!
Get your Absolute Zero and Muerto questions in now! We're recording on Wednesday this week (tomorrow!) instead of Friday, and recording TUESDAY of next week! That's right! The live show next week is being recorded only a couple hours after next week's episode goes live! Join us!
Let's get mechanical!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:05:05
We start in the semantic weeds, right off the bat! And that's what you've got to look forward to for this episode!
OK, OK, though the first few letters are pretty mechanically in-depth, we DO get into the more "Hows" and "Whys" of how the mechanics and the thematics match up. It's not all just "how do these cards interact" questions!
Join us next week when we kick off the rest of this joyous Adam's birth month with a Team-Up episode with Episode #212: a Writers' Room episode about Young Legacy, Unity, and The Harpy!
A new story! A new team of heroes face some new villains!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:49:52
We start in rare, ridiculous form. And then it gets even more ridiculous. But then! Finally! We start telling stories! And we tell several, to make up for all the ridiculousness.
A lot of the content in today's episode references the newest Sentinel Comics RPG book: The Guise Book! You can get the physical book from our webstore or from your friendly local gaming store, or get just the PDF from DriveThruRPG!
Thanks for listening, everyone! Join us next week for a discussion on the game mechanics of Definitive Edition! Get your questions in now!
It's almost May! But first: the rest of April!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:19:21
Another fun show with a bunch of great comments and questions from our live chat!
Here's the upcoming schedule:
Join us in May for many team-ups in celebration of Adam's birthmonth!
Next week, we're doing a Neighborhood Watch episode! Get your questions in now!
Robots... in time?!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:20:38
Sure, we have all manner of banter up top, but then we get into a lot of details, lore, retcons, corrections, stories, and THREE COMIC BOOKS?! An entire 3 issue arc? YOU BET! Spoilers, I guess. Anyway, enjoy!
Join us next time for a live Editor's Note!
Let's take this podcast straight to hell! Er, to heck!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:25:36
We start off with some April Fools "pranks"? We recorded this episode on April 1st, so it seemed only right. But! We don't get too hung up on it, instead defaulting to our usual banter. And then! We make a couple of characters!
Lots of new stuff here, so no spoilers in these notes — gotta listen to find out!
Join us next week for Episode #209: Writer's Room: An Omnitron-X story!
Who wouldn't like Sky-Scraper?! These people. That's who.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:21:54
We start with a bit of banter, especially about Adam's frankly immature chickens.
We talk about a fair number of villains — some you know about, some you want to know more about, some you've never heard of!
Also, the Rook City Renegades Kickstarter is still going on for a couple more days! Don't miss it!