THREE issues today? Yes! But only one cover. You'll have to listen to the cover section to find out why!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:21:01
Happy Birthday tomorrow, Adam! And we hope that everyone enjoys International Same Age Day this Thursday!
This episode went by quickly, mostly because we had a lot of the pieces already, and the stuff we didn't have was just all kinds of fun. Adam helps Christopher get through his impending mental breakdown. We'll see how much longer he has in him before he's overtaken by the Void itself!
We also answer a bunch of questions, as is our wont. And we talk about a cover! Really, we talk about three, but that's giving away too much.
It was a live show! Now it's just dead audio. :C
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:42:59
Warning! This episode is pretty goof-heavy. Lots of goofs. You've been warned.
Here's the upcoming schedule:
We answer lots of questions on such a wide variety of topics. It gets wild. Listen and find out!
Join us next week for the last episode of Adam's birth-month: Episode #250 - Writers’ Room: Scavenger Unity!
It's Ramblin' time!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:57:21
There's much to explain about this fellow still, and we get into a bunch of it! Some foes are created, many questions are answered, and there are even a few goofs! There's a lot to get through, and we manage to make it work! Whew!
Join us next week — or live this Friday if you're on the Letters Page Patreon — for Editor's Note #67!
Whoa, it's been a LONG time since we talked about Tarogath!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:31:11
Adam's birth month continues with more creative processes! This episode involves as much recalling, restating, reframing, and re-explaining as it does creating, but sometimes that's what it's all about!
Join us next week for ANOTHER Creative Process, this one all about the foes of the mysterious Rambler! Because you demanded it! If you want to make demands, consider joining the Letters Page Patreon!
Christopher's voice is compromized, but he's still gonna come up with bad guys!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:32:49
It's the first week of Adam's birth month, and we're happy to be here! We're off to the races with this one — been a long time coming, and we didn't really do any prep work (other than sneaky stuff last week... but you'll have to listen to find out what that means) so you're getting all this mostly uncut! From the Golden Age to very modern, indeed!
Also, there's a fun cameo in the letters section! Enjoy!
Join us next week for ANOTHER Creative Process, this one about Lifeline's supporting cast!