SIX issues in the title?! Yup.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:05:11
Another episode that cracks 2 hours... we didn't set out to tell this much of a tale, but we were on a roll! Plus, we quite like this villainous foil for our beloved Tyler Vance.
We also get to questions. A friendly reminder! Please, try to keep your letters UNDER 5ish paragraphs. If you've gotta go over, make it for a good reason. We believe in you! You write great letters! You can do this! We just want to hear from as many people as possible, not just giant letters from a few folks. Sorry to be a bummer about this!
Join us next week for the first episode of June, 2024! Episode #284 will be a Writers' Room all about two villains who are nemeses with each other! Get your questions in now!
Howdy, folks!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:42:31
You know the drill! Goofs galore! But first, a schedule!
Tuesday, June 4th: Episode #284 - Writers' Room: Two villains who are nemeses
Tuesday, June 11th: Episode #285 - Writers' Room: A Wipeout story
Tuesday, June 18th: Editor’s Note #80
Tuesday, June 25th: Episode #286 - Writers' Room: Disparation: Kismet as High Queen of Planet Earth
After that, we get to letters, as well as live questions from the live viewers!
Wish you could be a live viewer? You can! Just join the Letters Page Patreon!
Join us next week for Episode #283 - Writers' Room: Bunker in SPAAAAAAAAAACE!
She's winging in for some stories!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:57:33
We delve into just who in Fanatic's supporting cast is around in the mid-80s, and find some small hopes, at least! Then, we tell some tales. Fanatic's a complicated character, especially in the 80s.
Then, we answer questions from the recent Greazer and Fashion episode! Yes, we talk about Cardshark and Kaargra Warfang.
Join us next week for an Editor's Note... or better yet, if you're on the Letters Page Patreon, join us THIS FRIDAY for the live recording!
We gotta save the planet!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:37:35
We tell a story... but first, we tell you all the Professor Pollution backstory connecting bits that we'd never bothered to go into before! So, you're welcome! And/or apologies! Depending on how you feel about all that.
Anyway, right, then on to the story! You know what ultimately happens in it, but the beat-by-beat is still pretty dang good! At least, in our opinion.
Join us next week for yet another "A Day In The Life" episode, this one all about Fanatic!