That's right! We actually did it! Welcome to the long-awaited and oft-delayed Editor's Note #45!!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:38:35
How do we even do this type of episode? We're not sure, so we just kinda wing it. That said, we get to all the stuff. I think. Pretty sure.
Next month is the month of May, which — as everyone knows — is Adam's birth month! Celebrations will be occurring everywhere, and both participation and enjoyment are mandatory! In the episode, Adam attempts to explain the joy of birthdays to Christopher for several minutes. Does it land? You decide, listeners!
Anyway, here's the upcoming schedule:
A thing we didn't say on the air: right after recording this Editor's Note, we immediately recorded this upcoming Friday's episode all about xxtz'Hulissh! So, any late-coming questions about xxtz'Hulissh will have to wait for follow-up episodes. Probably for the best, as we know the episode we recorded will generate (spawn?) many more questions.
That means, this Friday, we're recording the Creative Process all about Werewolf stories, so get your questions in on that topic ASAP! Ideally by midnight, Thursday the 22nd, as I compile questions early Friday morning before we record. Ask us your wolf questions!
We cover a variety of topics, including but not limited to:
Don't forget: get your werewolf questions in now! And share word far and wide about this last week of the Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Kickstarter Campaign!