The most normal episode in weeks! And we did it live!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:48:25
Medical updates, schedule updates, plans, hopes, dreams, and whiteboard drawings. What more could you ask for? What's that you say? Questions, answered live? Yeah, we've got those, too!
First off, here are a couple of hopefully illustrative whiteboard drawings, as discussed near the start of this episode.
The problem:
The solution:
Makes sense? Certainly something Christopher is looking forward to!
Next, the proposed schedule, though with the knowledge that it could change at any time, due to surgery!
Upcoming schedule: ???
Tuesday, March 5th: probably Episode #275 - Writers' Room: Choke in Megalopolis
Tuesday, March 12th: maybe Episode #276 - Writers' Room: A Villain romantically involved with a support character
Tuesday, March 19th: possibly Editor’s Note #77
Tuesday, March 26th: hopefully Episode #277 - Writers' Room: A Vengeance tie-in story
And then, we read some letters, give some answers, and also answer questions in the chat! Starting off with two lovely postcards:
Thanks, everyone! Join us next week for Episode #274: Baron Blade vs non-Freedom Five heroes! Get your questions in now!