Surprise, surprise. We said there wasn't going to be an episode today, but that was the most obvious of lies, right?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 12:32
Happy Birthday to everyone mentioned, and to everyone else that had a birthday this year. Listen to our very 2020 song, and despair.
This is what going mad sounds like.
See you next year!
It's a new type of episode for the end of a very long year!
Show Notes:
The biggest cast we've ever had! Including a surprise twist early on in the episode!
Here's what happens in January of next year!
Upcoming schedule:
After MUCH goofing around, we finally get into questions at just after the 19 minute mark, and we are all over the place on questions! Thanks for bearing with us.
Thanks for joining us, everyone! We'll catch you next year!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:32:52
Adam is back! Or, rather he will be starting next month! Except next month's schedule will feel similar to the last couple months because of beginning of the year reasons and having a packed Editor's Note! But forget about all that: ADAM IS BACK! Sort of! Whatever! Get excited!
We are silly for about 7 minutes, and then we get into actually writersing this room, in which we continue to be silly. That said, given that this is a Haka story, who could have guessed that we'd start with an action-based story but then pull a switcheroo and make it about feelings and sadness? Would we do that? Who can say?
After much storying and telling and a little crossover of both of those words, we get to your questions at around the 41 minute mark.
At around an hour and 28 minutes, we talk very briefly about a cover. We know right away what it should be. Glimpse its glory above! Quite good.
Join us this Friday for our year-ending live recording!
The FINAL Publishers' Note!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:29:11
We've got all the greatest Publishers' Note style hits: questions for Paul, getting into the weeds on Star Trek and Tolkien, Sentinel Comics lore, a variety of game shows, and a pile of Meta-Meta questions! What more could you ask for?
Paul and I have had a blast noting publishery for you all. Thanks for sticking with us for this weird schedule. But we'll be back to normalish at the start of the year! For now, look forward to a holiday-themed episode next week, and then a bigger than usual Editor's Note the week after that!
Gather round, everyone. It's time for some real talk.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:33:39
We had a lot of fun recording this one. We learned some things - about PSAs, about comics, and about ourselves along the way. Remember, kids: there's always a moral to every story.
At around 58 minutes into the episode, we finally get to your questions! There, we talk about the subject of this episode, but also! We talk about a fan-favorite new hero/old trendsetter/in between gladiator! Who could it be? No way to know. It's a mystery forever.
Also, goodness, listening back to this episode, we're at our best/worst when we're just laughing at our own bad jokes. How can you people stand us?
Thanks everyone for listening! This coming Friday, we record our last Publishers' Note, so make sure you tune in to wish Paul a fond-farewell as co-host!
And don't forget: Make Good Choices!