Parse has keen arrows, but a far more keen eye!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:30:53
We don't spend any time dillying or dallying in this episode! In fact, this may be most "content per minute" episode we've ever done - just jam-packed with the story of Parse through the years of Sentinel Comics!
We start off in the 80s, including a bunch of information on how various titles are being treated then, laying the groundwork for Parse's origin.
Just after the 6 minute mark, we mention that the Iron Legacy and Alternate Realities/Timelines episode is coming up on the recording block in a few days - get your questions in now!
Around 12 minutes in, we introduce a character we've never talked about before... and within a couple minutes, you learn why he's never come up before.
The high-speed rate of reveals continues, right up until the start of the Miss Information story around the 20 minute mark... but then we clam up. Don't want to spoil next week!
Even more publication history oddities around 23 minutes in, covering her origin yet again and setting up why Parse is in space so much.
A bit after the half hour mark, we talk a bit about OblivAeon, and how the appearance of that cosmic, singular entity alters Parse and her story.
Then, just after 34 minutes in, we get to your questions!
The questions do a great job, as per usual, of further digging into Parse's abilities and story. Strong work, everyone. One of you even made Adam laugh so hard that we had to pause recording momentarily!
In the future segment - starting around the one hour and 25 minutes mark - we talk about a few important things, including a reveal of where she's ending up in the Sentinel Comics Universe!
Whew! There we go! That one seemed fast, but it was still 90 minutes of non-stop Parsing! See you next week for an episode and an Editor's Note! Also, later this afternoon at 3 PM Central time, Christopher will be doing a livestream over on the OblivAeon Kickstarter page! Come hang out!
The most settings ever covered in one episode!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:11:34
This episode is all about the weird and magical environments from the world of Sentinel Comics!
An important note: There are a few spoilers in this episode for the story of the issues included in the Sentinel Comics RPG Starter Kit. If you want to avoid a minor spoiler, skip from 1:31:20 to 1:32:04. From 1:43:45 to just before 1:48, we do get into a few more notable story spoilers, so listen at your own peril. Or skip that chunk of time, if you want to experience the story in play. We specifically mention incoming spoilers, so you have at least a heads up.
As much as this is a settings episode all about environments, this episode also covers a lot of characters who are important to the world of Sentinel Comics. Enjoy!
At the end of the episode, we mention that we were going to be recording the upcoming Parse episode between when we recorded this episode and when it aired. Due to some scheduling conflicts, that didn't happen, but we will be recording the Parse episode tomorrow (Wednesday, February 7th). So, you still have a few scant hours to submit Parse questions! Also, we're recording Miss Information's episode as well this week, so get those questions in now!
(Last thing! Next Tuesday, February 13th, at 3:00 PM Central Time, I'll be doing a live stream test on the OblivAeon Kickstarter to cover a bunch of Kickstarter and OblivAeon related things. Come hang out!)
She's a smoooooth operator!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:12:59
New intro on today's episode! Trevor's trying out something different! What do you think? Tweet at us and let us know: @SCLettersPage
After some light silliness, we get right into her not-very-light backstory.
We reference two other episodes a few times in this episode: the Mister Fixer episode, and The Chairman episode. They're both important to this one, so worth giving a quick listen to, though we do rehash a lot of the important points from both of those episodes.
Lots of things to talk about with this lady. She's had quite a few twists and turns in her story. The overview in total is under half an hour, but it's jam packed with story and action! Plus, there's even more story that we saved for some juicy questions in the Q&A portion of the show.
Speaking of which, just after the 27 minute mark we dive into your questions.
Fun bit of Stuntman story a bit before the hour mark. Just so you know.
We start the future segment right after the 1:04 mark. We have more Mist Storm Universe stuff than usual for her, as she plays some important roles and for reasons we've never publicly discussed before!
Then, we go on to actually reveal some Sentinel Comics Universe story stuff that is also brand new information. We must be feeling generous.
Next week is the Supernatural Settings episode, featuring such bizarre environments as Madame Mittermeier's Fantastical Festival of Conundrums and Curiosities, Tomb of Anubis, Realm of Discord, Nexus of the Void, and (relevant to this episode) the Temple of Zhu Long. Get your questions in now!
The first Editor's Note of 2018!
Run Time: 56:49
Upcoming Schedule:
Topics of today's Editor's Note:
And the promised photos:
With the posting of this episode, you have less than 24 hours to get in any questions about The Operative! Ask your questions about her and the above upcoming schedule characters and topics!
All of the wibbly-wobbly places! Times? Both!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:01:25
In this episode, we cover the particularly time-travel related environments from the world of Sentinel Comics:
For each of those locations (times?!), we first give an overview, and then use your questions to dig deeper into the stories of that setting.
Next week, we'll be talking all about The Operative, so get your questions in now!
You didn't even know that you wanted an episode on an intergalactic bounty hunter, and yet, here we are!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:23:43
In the first five minutes, we devolve into roleplaying as our own characters, so that sets the tone for this entire episode. You're welcome?
After that, we get to Hero in the Arena #1, the true first appearance of Greazer.
But the bulk of today's overview segment is the discussion of the book "Greazer", which we go over page-by-page of the first few issues. The secret history of Greazer Clutch!
45 minutes into the episode, we get to your questions!
During those questions, we realize that tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of The Letters Page! Hooray! Space Champagne for everyone!
Then, just after the one hour and 18 minute mark, we wrap up by talking about the future.
See you next time!
(Send us your questions about The Operative!)
An episode that towers head and shoulders above all others! Or does it stand as an ant among giants? Only you can tell!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:20:17
We start off by confessing our sins and solving a notable problem... or at least hinting to that problem's solution. But that allows us to move forward with Portja Kip-Pro's story!
(Which we start by pointing out a problem raised by the Kaargra Warfang episode, and then solving it. We're problem solvers!)
But then we're back on track!
Stories include, Hero in the Arena, Under Cover, the Return of Vengeance, and so much more!
Then, we get into your question 33 minutes in. Lots of interesting info in the questions, today!
Next week is Greazer! Get your questions in now!
Happy New Year!
Starting off this new year with a quick 2017 retrospective!
First thing first, we're pushing the schedule we announced last week back by one week in order to take a chunk of time to reset and reconcile all of the tangled webs we have weaved. Woven. Woved.
Anyway! The upcoming schedule now looks like this!
Thank you all for being such a big part of what we do here. We're excited to do even more for and with you here in 2018.
Another thrilling Editor's Note! This one has a Special Guest! We're pretty excited. You'll just have to listen to find out who it is!
Run Time: 1:03:28
Upcoming Schedule:
Topics of today's Editor's Note:
See you next year!
To celebrate Boxing Day, let's talk about the fighters in the cosmic arena! (Yes, yes, we know that Boxing Day has nothing to do with the pugilistic sport of boxing.)
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:07:06
After only a couple minutes of jawing about the holidays, your intrepid hosts get right into the history of the Bloodsworn Colosseum in the pages of Sentinel Comics.
Around the twelve minute mark, we finally tell an integral part of the Tony Taurus story.
Then, on to more and different tales of the Bloodsworn!
We start in on your questions a few minutes before the half hour mark. And we start off with a true and proper backstory!
And then, around the 34 minute mark, we talk about a thing we messed up.
A few minutes before the hour mark, we tell the backstory of a character you've seen before, but never heard of! She's a piece of Sentinel Comics history!
Next week is Sky-Scraper, so get your questions in now! See you Thursday for an Editor's Note all about the Cosmic Contest.