Another thrilling Editor's Note! This one has a Special Guest! We're pretty excited. You'll just have to listen to find out who it is!
Run Time: 1:03:28
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Topics of today's Editor's Note:
See you next year!
To celebrate Boxing Day, let's talk about the fighters in the cosmic arena! (Yes, yes, we know that Boxing Day has nothing to do with the pugilistic sport of boxing.)
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:07:06
After only a couple minutes of jawing about the holidays, your intrepid hosts get right into the history of the Bloodsworn Colosseum in the pages of Sentinel Comics.
Around the twelve minute mark, we finally tell an integral part of the Tony Taurus story.
Then, on to more and different tales of the Bloodsworn!
We start in on your questions a few minutes before the half hour mark. And we start off with a true and proper backstory!
And then, around the 34 minute mark, we talk about a thing we messed up.
A few minutes before the hour mark, we tell the backstory of a character you've seen before, but never heard of! She's a piece of Sentinel Comics history!
Next week is Sky-Scraper, so get your questions in now! See you Thursday for an Editor's Note all about the Cosmic Contest.
Let's talk about all manner of places in the Sentinel Comics galaxy!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:45:33
In today's episode, we cover a few notable Cosmic Settings:
With only going over four environments in this episode, we have enough time to really get into each of them. We go through them in the above order, answering your great questions on each setting as we cover that environment.
The cosmic place we talk about the least this week is the Bloodsworn Colosseum, which is the topic of next week's episode! Send in your questions now!
A Contest of Cosmic proportions!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:46:41
Whole lotta story going on today! Who will win? Only time will tell! I mean, actually, we're gonna tell you. In this episode.
The show notes today would be pretty spoilerific, so I'm just going to give some useful timestamps here. The whole thing is story, so just listen to it!
After a few minutes of banter and overview, we cover what all of the tiers and brackets contain, and then get right into going through each of the fights in Round One.
Coverage of Round Two begins at around the one hour and 8 minutes mark. The fights start getting more intense now!
We begin Round Three right before the one hour, 40 minutes mark. Everything's really heating up now! This round determines the winner of each tier!
With those winners determined, we move on to the Quarter Finals at an hour and 52 minutes in, with the last characters standing from each tier facing the winner from the opposing tier.
The Semi-Finals begin at 2:02:12. Just two matches here and then it's time for the finals!
The Final match to win it all begins at the two hours, 11 minutes mark. Whew. What a contest!
We dig into your questions around two hours and 20 minutes.
Did you win? As we discuss around 2:37:37, if you submitted a winning entry, let us know at!
See you next week!
We're back with an episode about brothers!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:14:22
It's been a month since we last recorded and we're thrilled to be back! We are also very excited about the release of the Starter Kit for Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game! So many thrilling things.
Also! This episode goes live the morning of Tuesday, December 5th. The deadline for getting your Cosmic Contest entries to us is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 6th! Very exciting.
Let's get into the episode!
(Many apologies for terrible British accents this episode.)
We dig into the origin of Captain Cosmic, talking about the history of the brothers Lowsley and how Hugh got cosmic powers and Nigel just disappeared...
Then, we're off to space to fight space threats! We go over a few of them before getting into the big stuff with Infinitor! It takes us 28 minutes to get to the reveal that Captain Cosmic and Infinitor are brothers... which has been common knowledge in this world since the release of the characters, but was a much bigger reveal in the pages of Sentinel Comics.
Then we're back into space for more space stuff! Including spending a lot of time on Dok'Thorath.
After all that, about 43 minutes in, we actually start to get into the OblivAeon event itself. We're saving most of that for the OblivAeon episode, but Captain Cosmic and Infinitor both have too much going on in the OblivAeon event to not cover that stuff now.
And then, finally, just after the 52 minute mark, we get to your questions. Lots of questions!
Finally, due to a question, we actually get into Infinitor's origin story. This happens around an hour and 11 minutes in.
Then continuing with so many more solid questions.
Just after the hour and 41 minute mark, we get a question about just how OblivAeon shards work. Whoof. That's a big one. Some explanation here. Perhaps some reveals? Either way, it's big.
At an hour and 53 minutes in, we plug the official GTG online community. They're great! Go hang out with them!
At 2 hours and 9 minutes in, we go to the future.
Interesting things going on with Captain Cosmic's powers in both timelines!
Thanks for listening! Next week is Cosmic Contest!