It's an older story, but it still checks out!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:31:35
We had a lot of fun telling this story! As we mention on the air, we knew many elements of this story going into it, but the stuff we DIDN'T know really bloomed over the course of the recording. We hope you enjoy it, too!
Join us next week for another Writers' Room about another early story: "The Last Temptation of Helena!"
Another thrilling Editor's Note! Now, with 100% more online collaboration!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:25:31
We're all over the place on this one, as is often the case with live shows... but even MORE so this time! We weave together letter reading, question answering, environment creating, and goof making, one after another with no discernable pattern. Does that make for good listening? Seems unlikely... but perhaps? You decide!
Also, there's a schedule of upcoming episodes! They look a little something like this:
Here is a link to the document in which we created the Environment (which we "finalized" a few days after this recording — SPOILERS: we don't even finish it on the air and have to pick it back up later: classic us). Anyway, that doc is pre-editing for both rules consistency and typographical errors. Just enough to make it work and go into playtesting. But that's OK! SCRPG environments are hardy and can stand up to a lot of variation. If anything, we're pretty such we made this one too rough, but that's what you get when you go to a dinosaur island with an active volcano and then you add a bunch of Void nonsense on top of it!
Join us next week for an episode about Aminia Twain saving the Freedom Five! We like to call this one "Episode #222". Pretty catchy, right?
Paul and I did an episode live! Many of you joined us!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:37:16
Trevor did a great job not just making sure the audio worked for making this episode, but also making everything work live, AND he and his partner Jenny sang all of the musical bits LIVE! It was a delight to see him in his element. Meanwhile, Paul and Christopher goofed around on stage, but we brought a lot of you in on it, so the community aspect of this live episode was through the roof. Thank you for explaining Sentinel Comics to my cohost!
If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, please tune in at 11 AM Central time this Friday for this month's Editor's Note livestream show! We're following up from the Nexus Primalis Creative Process episode and making a playable SCRPG Environment with YOUR help! Join us!
Surprise! Are you surprised? Probably not!
Not that we have a lot to say here. Just wanted to hop on and chat a bit, rather than releasing nothing at all — that's no fun!
We hope you all had a great Gen Con. Heck, we hope we did, too! We recorded and scheduled this minisode at the same time as last week's episode, so this message is time traveling. Like all messages, if you really think about it. Yay, time shenanigans!
Join us next Friday (the 19th, not this coming Friday) for the recording of Editor's Note #58! Sure to be a grand time!
It's just another episode... or is it? (No it is not.)
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:22:51
We are plagued by technical difficulties! Early on, Adam says "nothing should be changed", but that doesn't bear out. Give it a listen and see how well Trevor was able to piece together our nonsense!
We're setting up Gen Con right now — if you're at the show, come visit us in booth #1321! Next week is our regularly schedule Gen Con break, and the week after that will be the recording of the Gen Con LIVE show! After that, on Friday, August 19th, we'll be recording Editor's Note #58, which will be a follow-up to this episode, which we talk about (unexpectedly) during today's episode! If you're on The Letters Page Patreon, please tune in! This will be a community effort! We look forward to a massive creative process with all of you!