Not the regularly scheduled episode you were expecting, for which we apologize.
Christopher's medical condition has taken several turns for the worse, so we talk a bit about that on the air about what that means for the future, and what they can do to make up for it when he's better. Bear with us!
The first Editor's Note of 2024!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:47:14
This one ended up being longer than usual — it has both a real life letter (spoilers) and a cover section (more spoilers)! But first, the upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, February 6th: Episode #275 - Writers' Room: Choke in Megalopolis
Tuesday, February 13th: Episode #276 - Writers' Room: A Villain romantically involved with a support character
Tuesday, February 20th: Editor’s Note #76
Tuesday, February 27th: Episode #277 - Writers' Room: A Vengeance tie-in story
Other than that, what all do we talk about? Listen to learn more!
A tale, told swiftly, but told well! (At least, so we hope.)
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:20:41
We tear right into this one, building out Waykeep notably and inventing a new villain to keep things interesting! It's another great day here at The Letters Page, where we keep our letters on our page! Trying out a new tagline. It's not great. That happens. All part of the process.
We've got a live show coming up this Friday for you fantastic patreon folks! For everyone else, it'll be next week's episode! Either way: tune in! Please! We like it when you listen to us.
It's the first of our monthly episodes! A January story in January!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:53:41
We talk about stunts and snakes, make up fake celebrities, and even answer your questions?! Wow! Off to a great start for 2024!
Join us next week for Episode #273: Lifeline encounters Waykeep! What does that mean? Time will tell!
Happy Holidays to all of you fantastic letter writers, game players, Patreon supporters, shippers, and listeners of all types! From all of us here at the Letters Page: Christopher, Adam, Trevor, and the computers that simulate our existence. Let's make 2024 the best year ending in "24" yet!