Happy Halloween!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:50:31
This Halloween, Guise has got his hands full... full of stakes with which to stab vampires! Draculas, specifically.
We tell the whole tale, revealing much, but also sneaking some non-reveals in there, as well! We also answer many questions on a few topics, including the surprisingly well-received Sk8Blayd episode!
Join us next week for an episode about GloomWeaver and Æternus... which we've already recorded! But if you've got questions about the Prime Wardens in the Egyptian Underworld, send them in!
We're back! It's been too long!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:28:07
We talk about songs, do some goofs, and reveal an already revealed schedule!
Upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, November 7th: Episode #266: GloomWeaver vs. Æternus
Tuesday, November 14th: Episode #267: Prime Wardens in the Egyptian Underworld
Tuesday, November 21st: Editor’s Note #73
Tuesday, November 28th: Episode #268: Grimm: Lord of the Harvest
Then we read real life letters, answer questions, meta questions, and meta meta questions. Including a surprise guest near the end of the episode! Stay tuned and find out!
Join us next week for Episode #265 about Guise fighting the Draculas!
We came here to talk about wolves and travel the world, and we're all out of travel time! Awwwooooo!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:22:29
Our THIRD episode recorded in 2 days, and yet, we pull it off majestically! At least, WE think we're majestic. Don't burst our bubble.
This is a very 90s story, and as such, it has a very 90s cover, complete with ridiculous hologram! Look at the great work Adam did crafting a hologram to make this cover look terrible! I mean awesome!
Now that schedule things are back to normal, we've got an Editor's Note coming up VERY SOON! In fact, that's next week's episode! And, if you're on the Letters Page Patreon, you can watch it live this coming Friday! Heck, if you're a Contributor to said Patreon, you can join in the chat and be part of the episode! Exciting! Check out the Letters Page Patreon, and keep on saving the Multiverse! (You can save the Multiverse whether you're a part of the Patreon or not, though, to be clear.)
Good morning, Sentinels fans! Rise and shine... FROM THE GRAVE!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:37:30
We're back with another thrilling tale to delight and horrify! You thought you'd seen the last of General Geist?! Well, who can say.
This is one of our favorite episodes in a while. We hope you like it too!
Join us next week for a HOWLING good time!
Kicking off the spooky months with a bang!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:35:45
This is the FIRST of the three episodes recorded in a row... and yet! It could be the third, based on the amount of goofy unhinged nonsense we're up to, right off the bat! Why? Who can say?
But then, we get into a story, and we try to play it cool, but we let some things slip. You'll figure it out! And if not, don't worry, we reveal all... or, at least, a lot. Time will tell, and all that!
Join us next week for an (already recorded) episode all about an old Nazi foe, back from the dead!