Welcome to the Multiverse of Sentinel Comics!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:59:14
Hello, listener! This is (hopefully) a decent jumping-on episode. At least, it is in terms of content - Trevor (our producer) wants me to make sure it's clear that our audio quality used to be a ton better back before Adam and I were each recording in our own homes, and hopefully we'll be back in studio again before the end of this year. Blame the pandemic! Sorry about that.
We follow the standard-ish format of a bit of goofing around, followed by the Overview (the meat and potatoes of the episode). After that, we eventually get to the questions at around an hour and 15.5 minutes in, which help flesh out even more of the story!
In this episode, we have a notable SPOILER segment! If you don't want any spoilers for the "Off the Rails" adventure issue that was released at the same time as the SCRPG core rulebook, skip from 1:43:25 to 1:46:59! (I claimed that it would be over 5 minutes on the air, but I underestimated how quickly we talk sometimes.)
How did it go? Did we succeed at a jumping on/overview episode? Do you have questions you want us to answer? Submit those questions here!
"See" you next week!